1.12a->1.20 Feature upgrade 2/23/92 1) File masks added to Open dialog 2) Drop down list of opened files added to open dialog 3) Font size creation capability 4) Title lock 5) OEM text type added to clipboard copy from a view window 6) BlockSize parameter added to LI.INI to allow viewing of even bigger files if memory allows (default is approx 15Mb files) 7) add select by character (line select in view window still available by clicking in the left margin) 8) When LI launched through association & LI is already running, add the associated file to the opened files 9) If the launched file associates to LI but is being launched by LI, launch the default editor instead 10) 128 column VGA fixed font included with LI 11) add File:Search - list of matching files/matching lines 12) add edit capability for small text files (similar to Notepad) 13) add regular expression searches (file names and file contents) 14) add button bar 15) vertical scroll bar moveable in view windows 16) sort by extent/date/none in open dialog 17) click on status: line #, page indicator, bit 7 strip indicator; executes goto line, page up/down, strip toggle 18) view parameters optionally set by file extent 19) if .INI files are edited, activation (de-caching) of the changes is optional *) chg: file closed while not accessing *) chg: turns on hourglass cursor when multiple files deleted from the File:Open dialog *) fix: >64K clipboard copy *) fix: long printout header/footer followed by short printout header/footer *) fix: header/footer should now fit in the printable area on a postscript printer *) fix: F1 now activates help on a grayed menu item too *) fix: try to get a dir of a floppy with a file spec of other than "*.*" & there are no matching files on the floppy => LI got confused *) fix: UAE on Goto Line when the line was distant from the current line. *) fix: occasional UAE when holding the up-arrow key down until the top of the file is reached *) fix: don't allow a dithered color from the LI.INI file to be the background 1.12->1.12a Bug fix release 8/30/91 1) Fix: UAE on find string in large file consisting entirely of very short lines. 1.11->1.12 Bug fix release 8/11/91 1) Fix: UAE on large directory tree 2) Fix: find strings near internal buffer boundries not found 3) Fix: same printer type on more than one port not recognized 4) Fix: start a file search from a dir that has subdirs but no files => fails to search 5) Fix: file windows tiled, leave LI & edit & save one of the files that LI is not focused on, return to LI => infinite loop updating the changed file's window *) Chg: Save bit 7 strip status in LI.INI; carry current setting to next opened file 1.10->1.11 Bug fix release 6/28/91 1) Fix: UAE on very small file viewed and a large file has never been viewed & then a dialog box is opened & closed 2) Fix: certain combinations of OR'ed find strings not found 3) Fix: UAE upon View:Font if no "TERMINAL" font resident *) Chg: More size choices on vector fonts 1.00->1.10 Feature upgrade 6/8/91 1) Directory trees 2) File launch 3) Enhanced printout support 4) Delete directory & its contents 5) Right mouse button gives pointer statistics 6) More user configurability for: file delete confirmation; hidden & system file display; automatic File:Open dialog box 6) LI.WRI documentation file included 7) Erase & Launch options added on file find match *) Fix: print header/footer error checks (now won't mess up when mis-used)